By: Matthew Carter
Many people claim to know Christ, but few seem to display the passion that is Christ. Why is that? Does following Christ cost too much? Or do we really understand just who Christ is?

I often wrestle with these types of questions. Why aren't more of us willing to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him? I don't have answers, only theories. As Dallas Willard wrote in his book "The Divine Conspiracy":

"My hope is to gain a fresh hearing for Jesus, especially among those who believe they already understand him. In his case, quite frankly, presumed familiarity has led to unfamiliarity, unfamiliarity has led to contempt, and contempt has led to profound ignorance."

What I believe Dallas Willard is saying is that many of us who have been exposed to Jesus, believe we already know exactly who He is. We believe because we've attended church our whole lives, or because we've been a part of this or that that we have expanded knowledge of who Christ is. Sadly, we are misinformed. We buy the lie that we can know Christ apart from having a relationship with Him. We believe that if we hear enough about Him, or read enough books, that we can claim to know Him. 

When it comes right down to it, many of us who attend church regularly become blind to the fact that we worship the idea of worshiping God. What started out as a true interest in Christ, became a tradition, a worship of church. We so often worship the created rather than the Creator. This leaves us empty, depressed, and wanting something more -- something deeper. We want True Life, but search endlessly for everything else to fill the God-shaped hole inside us all. 

Many people reject a gospel, which is not the gospel at all. What I mean is some who claim to be Christians promote a Christ that is not the true Christ at all. People who are exposed to these "Christians" are given a false gospel and often reject it. As a result people close themselves off to the thought of Christ completely, never allowing themselves to be exposed to the true Jesus. Those who do accept this false gospel become entangled in religion rather than a relationship with Christ, worshiping things of God rather than God Himself.

None of these ideas are new, my own, nor do I pretend to have it all figured out. I merely wanted to share a concern I have deep inside of me. How do we live the passion of Christ? How do we allow Christ to live through us more?
The True Christ

The True Christ

Blog entry about my life and thoughts.


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